Acupuncture for Women specializes in strengthening, maintaining and promoting women’s health through acupuncture. Specializing in fertility issues, we have helped over 1,000 women successfully conceive, even when every other option had been exhausted. We provide acupuncture for women’s fertility in Frisco, as well as acupuncture treatments for menopause, dysmenorrhea and many other issues. Acupuncture can provide treatment where other options have failed, giving patients relief from chronic conditions or problems that prevented successful birth or conception.
Combining decades of experience in both Eastern traditional medicine and Western medical fields, Dr. Jane Liu and Dr. C. John Qin use specialized techniques to treat infertility, menopause and other issues through acupuncture. Acupuncture can be used to treat issues that have prevented conception or delivery, such as PCOS or endometriosis, and also conditions arising from menopause, such as hot flashes, weight gain, memory loss or mood swings. Our clinic in Frisco is the only acupuncture clinic in Texas focused on women’s health and fertility, providing safe and effective alternatives to medication and other treatments. Acupuncture is a safe, painless, relaxing treatment, providing relief from pain, stress, discomfort, disease and more with no side effects.
Learn more about treatments through acupuncture for women’s fertility and acupuncture for menopause in Frisco. Call 214-893-4321 or fill out our form to make an appointment.